Welcome to your Child’s Academic and Heavenly Future
First day of school will be Wednesday, Sept. 4th, 2024 @ 9:30am-12noon
Please review your Kid’s Morning Out Christian Preschool Parent Handbook and discuss this school year’s procedures, and acquaint yourself and your child with the classroom and our rules.
School Supply List
Many students have requested a shopping list for school supplies. This is not a requirement, purely optional. If you choose to shop for supplies, please select TWO of the following items:
*Highly used items
- Elmer’s White Glue
- Glue Sticks*
- Playdough – basic pack*
- Liquid hand soap*
- Small plastic cups (3oz plastic)*
- Large Packing Tape (clear)*
- Jumbo Craft Sticks
- Pipe Cleaners
- Paper Towels*
- Construction Paper 8 1/2 x 14*
- Construction Paper 11 1/2 x 17*
- Cardstock
- Jumbo Markers (washable)
- Thin Markers (washable)
- EVERYONE – ONE ream of white or colored copy paper per family, please
Please make sure we have a copy of your child’s updated Immunization.
Thank you and have fun shopping! We will have boxes set outside of the classrooms on the first day of school to collect supplies.
Discover what opportunities are available for your child today!

Updated Health Requirement
The State of Colorado now requires your child’s updated immunization records AND a copy of a recent physical signed by your physician. These are both due by our first day of school; Wednesday, September 4th, 2024.